Author Archive

The Collectd encrypted packet format

logstash March 21st, 2014

Yesterday, Logstash 1.4.0 was released containing many improvements, one of which was contributed by us. We’ve implemented signature verification and packet decryption in the collectd input plugin. This blogpost will give an overview of how encryption and signing is used in the collectd binary protocol. If you want to implement your own collectd receiver, this is pretty interesting.


Changing the VLAN-ID of an interface in a bridge with minimal downtime

datacenter August 23rd, 2013

Our upstream-provider needed to change the VLAN-ID of our uplink to be in line with their policies. We wanted to do this with minimal downtime. Check out the script we ran on the gateway machines, the VLAN-IDs were changed almost instantly, total unavailability was less than a second.


On our new DNS infrastructure (and DNSSEC)

Kumina DNS Infrastructure August 15th, 2013

Recently we’ve been busy implementing a new DNS infrastructure for our resolvers as well as our authoritative servers. We wanted to be ready for future developments like DNSSEC and we wanted to re-new this important part of our infrastructure for a while. This blog-post gives an overview of our new setup.


LOADays 2013 and Kumina

loadays April 8th, 2013

Yesterday evening we returned from LOADays 2013 in Antwerp, This blogpost describes some things we learned and want to implement in the (near) future.


Fixing hanging Crypto Stick (and other USB peripherals) problems

nitrokey December 28th, 2011

We had problems with our Crypto Stick ‘hanging’ randomly. An experimental patch from libusb fixes this. We have released packages with this fix.


Preseeding a Debian Squeeze install putting all volumes in LVM

debian August 17th, 2011

In our quest to automate even more, we have further automated our installations. We use Debian and don’t want to answer any (except for IP and hostname) question in the debian installer by hand. We’ve already pre-seeded the installer with a lot of answers, but the partitioning was always hard. Before, we formatted the first […]


Installing the Cryptostick in Ubuntu 11.04

nitrokey July 5th, 2011

As you probably know by now: We have our SSH and PGP-keys on a CryptoStick. But getting it to work used to be somewhat harder than it is now. So without further ado: The (almost) foolproof way to get SSH and PGP working with the CryptoStick in Ubuntu.


Facter facts for PCI devices

code June 17th, 2011

We are in the process of building the configuration for our monitoring system from exported resources (more on that in the future). To accomplish one of the checks we needed a way to identify the brand of RAID controller in our physical servers. The best way to do this is facter. We’ve written some custom […]


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Kumina designs, builds, operates and supports Kubernetes solutions that help companies thrive online. As Certified Kubernetes Service Partner, we know how to build real solutions.