Best Practices / Tech Tips &Tricks’ Blogs

Published our repositories

puppet April 15th, 2011

We published our internally developed puppet modules.


Monitoring DNS server synchronicity

code April 4th, 2011

We, along with some customers, have our authoritative DNS setup with 1 PowerDNS master(which is unreachable over the internet), running poweradmin, and 2 BIND9 slaves(which are ns1 and ns2). This setup works great, but there is a bug in (older versions of) PowerAdmin and one in BIND that together can cause some havoc.


Facter facts for memory in bytes

code March 22nd, 2011

By default facter returns the free and total memory and swap of a machine only in GB or MB. To remedy this we rewrote the memory.rb bundled with Puppet to return the numbers in bytes.


Failover without Hetzner addresses: the HostHenker

HostHenker March 18th, 2011

HostHenker is a small shell script, which based on whether a daemon is running, adds an entry to /etc/hosts for this host or a fallback host.


HowTo: Reset a cryptostick

nitrokey February 21st, 2011

Resetting a cryptostick is possible after all!


Puppet on puppetmaster, some tips

puppet January 26th, 2011

A couple of tips to keep in mind when running a puppetd on the puppetmaster.


Puppet Tips&Tricks: Running apt-get update only when needed

puppet November 9th, 2010

How to only run apt-get update from puppet if it’s necessary. A small example on how you can make apt-get update only run if a) the machine rebooted and b) something changed in /etc/apt.


Puppet Tips&Tricks: Variable variables

puppet September 1st, 2010

More Puppet Tips&Tricks in our new blog post: This time on Variable variables.


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Kumina designs, builds, operates and supports Kubernetes solutions that help companies thrive online. As Certified Kubernetes Service Partner, we know how to build real solutions.