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How to develop Kubernetes-friendly containerised applications, part 3

kubernetes_logo October 27th, 2017

There’s a lot out there that describes how to setup Kubernetes and how to make your container run on Kubernetes, but fairly little in regard to how you should be *developing* for Kubernetes. We hope to provide you with some guidance on how to design Kubernetes-friendly Docker containers in our newest blog post series.


How to develop Kubernetes-friendly containerised applications, part 2

kubernetes_logo October 20th, 2017

There’s a lot out there that describes how to setup Kubernetes and how to make your container run on Kubernetes, but fairly little in regard to how you should be *developing* for Kubernetes. We hope to provide you with some guidance on how to design Kubernetes-friendly Docker containers in our newest blog post series.


How to develop Kubernetes-friendly containerised applications, part 1

kubernetes_logo October 13th, 2017

There’s a lot out there that describes how to setup Kubernetes and how to make your container run on Kubernetes, but fairly little in regard to how you should be *developing* for Kubernetes. We hope to provide you with some guidance on how to design Kubernetes-friendly Docker containers in our newest blog post series.


Who is using Docker containers and why? [infographic]

Docker_infographic September 28th, 2017

Containers, and Docker in particular, are probably the most talked-about topic in the IT-world over the last few years. That’s not surprising since Docker really started the container movement since the launch in 2013. It was the first tool that made it possible to package an application with all of its dependencies into a lightweight […]


Kumina extends its services with consultancy & Kubernetes courses

Kubernetes Courses & IT consultancy September 19th, 2017

Over the last few years, we have helped several customers with their transition to a Docker and Kubernetes set-up. Nowadays, in 2017, we are one of the few European IT-companies that are mentioned as an official partner on the Kubernetes website. As true open source aficionados, we like helping other organisations by sharing our knowledge. That is why we decided to extend our services with Kubernetes courses and consultancy.


What you need to know about monitoring containers

monitoring containers May 17th, 2017

When adopting a new technology, you will always face some challenges. When it comes to container technology, one of the important questions in this regard is how to get insight in the behaviour of your applications and container environment. Which features are essential when it comes to your monitoring system? Which metrics should processes expose? And what about blackbox and whitebox monitoring? In this article, our Prometheus expert Ed Schouten talks about the monitoring of containers.


What is the right choice for my company: containers or virtual machines?

virtual_machines_vs_containers April 26th, 2017

The use of containers is growing rapidly since they provide organisations with lots of benefits and competitive advantages, but it’s important to make sure you have done your research before making the decision between virtual machines and containers. In this blog post we will try to answer the question ‘How to choose between containers and virtual machines?’ by providing you some real life business cases and examples. Hopefully, we will give you a good idea of how containers can help you keep up with evolving market and business needs.


Kumina presentatie over het monitoringsysteem Prometheus bij de voorjaarsconferentie van NLUUG

prometheus_monitoring April 18th, 2017

Dinsdag 16 mei geeft één van onze medewerkers, Ed Schouten, een presentatie over het monitoringsysteem Prometheus op de voorjaarsconferentie van NLUUG. Kumina past Prometheus toe als monitoring systeem voor haar klanten en heeft diverse exporters (plugins) voor Prometheus ontwikkeld. In de presentatie vertellen we je meer over dit schaalbare en moderne monitoringsysteem. We beantwoorden de volgende vragen: Wat is het datamodel van Prometheus? Hoe komt Prometheus aan zijn data? Hoe raadpleeg ik de data en hoe werkt de querytaal? Hoe genereert Prometheus alerts? En natuurlijk uitleg over hoe wij binnen Kumina Prometheus gebruiken. De speker, Ed Schouten, focust zich bij Kumina op het uitrollen van Kubernetes en Prometheus als vervanging voor de bestaande infrastructuur in Linux-clusters. Hiervoor werkte hij tussen 2012 en 2014 voor Google als Site Reliability Engineer, hier deed hij uitgebreide ervaring op met Borg en Borgmon, waar Kubernetes en Prometheus op gebaseerd zijn.


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Kumina designs, builds, operates and supports Kubernetes solutions that help companies thrive online. As Certified Kubernetes Service Partner, we know how to build real solutions.