Posts Tagged ‘puppet’

Publishing EC2 scripts on GitHub

code April 29th, 2011

We’re glad to announce that we’ve published our set of EC2 scripts on GitHub! The repository contains current versions of the code described in our previous two blog posts on EC2.


Using munin to trend puppetmaster

Graph created by puppet_node April 27th, 2011

We wanted to trend our puppetmaster to give us an idea of the amount of nodes and the time it takes to compile a catalog. Searching on the web didn’t yield the results we needed, so we made our own.


Deploying sudo rules via puppet, the Kumina way

puppet April 22nd, 2011

We wanted to give some of our customers the ability to restart some of their own services on their development environment. To be able to do this we made a puppet module.


Published our repositories

puppet April 15th, 2011

We published our internally developed puppet modules.


Kumina into the cloud; creating Amazon EC2 images

kumina_to_the_cloud April 13th, 2011

In order to make use of Amazon EC2 to its full potential, it is important that we can quickly spawn Debian installations that are automatically configured using Puppet. We accomplish this by creating our own Kumina-branded Amazon Machine Image (AMI).


On our puppet module design

puppet April 6th, 2011

An explanation on how we build our modules. Fairly high level.


Facter facts for memory in bytes

code March 22nd, 2011

By default facter returns the free and total memory and swap of a machine only in GB or MB. To remedy this we rewrote the memory.rb bundled with Puppet to return the numbers in bytes.


Puppet on puppetmaster, some tips

puppet January 26th, 2011

A couple of tips to keep in mind when running a puppetd on the puppetmaster.


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Kumina designs, builds, operates and supports Kubernetes solutions that help companies thrive online. As Certified Kubernetes Service Partner, we know how to build real solutions.